You can help us save funds by donating much needed goods and services. Through your support we can channel more funds into keeping our vital service in full operation, if you would like to discuss making a donation from your business, or you can assist with any of the items listed below, please contact us on (02) 9694 3100
We will provide full acknowledgement for any support received on our website, including a link to your website or business.
Thank You for your consideration.
Every cent saved will keep our aircraft operational and our crew fully equipped and trained. We would be happy to assist you in organizing a workplace fundraiser to purchase any items on our ‘wish list’ which you can present. We can hold a presentation in your office for your staff and clients, or we will happily host you at our base here in Sydney, or at Moruya on the South Coast for businesses or groups in that region.
Please (02) 9694 3100 for more information