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Corporate Partnerships

Corporate Partnerships

A partnership with the Westpac Life Saver Helicopter provides an association with Australia’s oldest and longest serving community rescue helicopter. We have been proudly serving our community since 1973, when we were established as the original rescue helicopter service in Sydney.

48 years on, our iconic brand is now among the most respected and recognised in Australia.

We can tailor a partnership for you which will:

  • Create a positive community engagement for your employees
  • Build pride in your business
  • Provide rare branding opportunities
  • Meet your CSR or Community Giving needs
  • Leverage corporate opportunities for your clients
  • Allow your company to genuinely make a difference and help save lives

If you would like to discuss how your company or business could build a rewarding relationship with us, please contact us on (02) 9694 3100 or by email at